SAT是Scholastic Assessment Test,中文名称为学术能力评估测试,是美国高中生的所谓“高考”,能否读四年制大学并不取决于一个SAT分数,但SAT成绩是世界各国高中生申请美国名校学习及奖学金的重要参考。SAT由美国大学委员会(College Board)举办,在美国领土上每年举办7(三月、五月、六月、八月、十月、十一月和十二月)次,亚洲每年7次(三月、五月、六月、八月、十月、十一月和十二月)。中国大陆目前没有考点,中国大陆考生需要在香港、澳门、台湾等地参加考试。
登录,页面右边出现Sign In 或者 Create Account页面,点击Create Account,之后会出现Student或者Educator,选择适合自己的身份并且注册一个account,有些信息是必填,有些是选填的,提交后得到用户名和密码,(注意邮信等地址中不要有,。等符号,用空格即可)。
2) 在My Organizer页面左下角,点击SAT Registration&Scores,进入SAT考试报名页面,要求再次输入用户名及密码,确认姓名、出生日期等
3) 在进入My Organizer页面,填写一些种族,学校,学习成绩,学术兴趣,未来研究方向等信息,这些不是必填的。有约五页的内容要提交,之后才正式进入SAT Registration页面
4) 同意SAT考试的条款,进入下一页,这下面是最重要的地方,选择考试的类型,年级,中国的高三相当于美国的12年级,注意考试地点选美国以外。提交,下一页选考试时间,里面会显示现在能报名的考试日期,下一页是收费的考试辅导服务,不必选,再下一页就是选择考点,首先点击search for a teat center,进入另一页面选择考场,先选择地区,出现该地区考场列表,只显示还剩余考位的考场,报名截止日期一般是考试日期的前一个月
6)再下一页确认信息,填写信用卡号,确定你的名字,出生日期与身份证上一致,名在前,姓在后,信用卡上的号码、类型、有效期不能有误。美国本土学生的考试费用是60美元;国际考生的SAT考试费用共103美元,部分地点会收取考试中心费用(24美金),包括中国香港,中国澳门,中国台湾等。最后交费,submit payment(具体考试费金额以官网为准)
7)SAT考试报名的最后一步,把准考证也就是Admission ticket打印出来。一定要记住将准考证打印出来,这是进入考场的凭证。回到My Organizer,上面会显示你的报名状况,没有报名成功可以再次提交
1、护照或钱包大小(规格:从2 X 2 到2.5 x 3 英寸),必须至少640 X 480 像素;
SAT考试现在由两部分组成,读写Reading and Writing、数学Mathematics。学生有64分钟去完成读写部分,有70分钟去完成数学部分,考试时间共计为2小时14分钟(即134分钟)。
Component 组成 | Time Allotted(min.) 时间(分钟) | Number of Questions/Tasks 题目数量 |
Reading | 64(two 32-minute modules) | 52 |
Writing and Language | 70(two 35-minute modules) | 44 |
Total | 134 | 98 |
1. 什么是SAT考试?
SAT全称Scholastic Assessment Test,中文名称为学术能力评估测试。它是由美国大学委员会(College Board)主办的一项考试。
2. SAT成绩的作用?
3. SAT考试时间?
4. SAT考试地点?
5. SAT的考试费用?
Test | Fees |
registration fee + regional fee | $60 + $43 |
Additional Processing Fees (add to test fees) | |
test center fee(select location only)考试中心费用 | $24 |
change test center 改考场地点 | $25 |
cancel registration fee取消报名费 | $25 |
late cancel fee延迟取消费 | $35 |
late registration过时报名费 | $30 |
Service | More Information | Fee |
Additional score report request | Your first four score reports are free if you order them by nine days after the test date. Additional reports or reports ordered after that time incur this fee. | $14 per report |
Rush reporting sends your score reports by first-class mail or electronically, depending on how each institution receives scores, normally within two business days after your score reporting order has been completed. Colleges may take additional time to retrieve or process your scores once they are received. The standard fee for additional score report requests applies to each score report you wish to include with your order. | $31 | |
Get scores by phone | Scores by phone are released according to the same schedule as online scores. This service does not send scores to colleges any earlier. To get your score by phone, call?Customer Service. You will need your test registration number (printed on your Admission Ticket), your birth date, a credit card number and the card's expiration date. | $15(per call) |
Archived scores | If you want to retrieve old test scores, you should request archived scores. You can request them by phone or mail. The standard fee for additional score report requests applies to each score report you wish to include with your order. | $31 |
1. 审查资格标准。
2. 请注意注册截止日期,尽早申请费用减免,以便及时申请这些福利。
3. 准备好与能够验证您资格的成年人分享联系信息。
4. 如果你对这个过程有疑问,可以和你的学校辅导员谈谈。
Additional registration fees | ||
Service fee | Fee | Details |
change test center 改考试中心 | $25 | For changering you test center only (To change the test date, you must cancel and register for a new test.) |
cancel fee 取消费用 | $25 | For canceling your registration by the change deadline. Free with fee waiver (upon cancellation, your unused fee waiver benefits will be returned to you). |
late cancel fee 逾期取消费 | $35 | For canceling your registration by the change deadline. Free with fee waiver (upon cancellation, your unused fee waiver benefits will be returned to you). |
late registration 逾期报名 | $35 | For registering after the regular deadline but before the late registration deadline. Free with fee waiver. |
*United States, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands only.(仅限美国、波多黎各和美属维尔京群岛。)
Score service fee | ||
Additional score report request | Your first four score reports are free if you order them by nine days after the test date. Additional reports or reports ordered after that time incur this fee. | $14 per report Unlimited free score reports with fee waiver |
Rush reporting sends your score reports by first-class mail or electronically, depending on how each institution receives scores, normally within two business days after your score reporting order has been completed. Colleges may take additional time to retrieve or process your scores once they are received. The standard fee for additional score report requests applies to each score report you wish to include with your order. | $31 | |
Get scores by phone | Scores by phone are released according to the same schedule as online scores. This service does not send scores to colleges any earlier. To get your score by phone, call?Customer Service. You will need your test registration number (printed on your Admission Ticket), your birth date, a credit card number and the card's expiration date. | $15(per call) |
Archived scores | If you want to retrieve old test scores, you should request archived scores. You can request them by phone or mail. The standard fee for additional score report requests applies to each score report you wish to include with your order. | $31 |
This services provides the test questions from the specified test you took, the correct answers, scoring instructions and a form you can use to order a copy of your answer sheet. | $16 | |
This service provides a list of question types from the specified test you took; whether you answered the question correctly or incorrectly, or omitted the answer; and the level of difficulty. | $16 | |
Hand score verification | Hand score verification is the most rigorous level of score verification. As such, it overrides other forms of score verification. If you order hand score verification, you will no longer see the full My SAT Online Score Report and you will not have access to the Student Answer Service or Question-and-Answer Service for your hand scored answer sheet. When hand scoring of a multiple-choice score is requested, your entire answer sheet will be manually reviewed - you cannot request verification of scores for a single section on the SAT or just one of several SAT Subject Tests taken on the same date. | $55 |
SAT的总分范围在400 - 1600分,单科成绩在200 - 800分,一共两个部分,分别是阅读和语法(Reading and Writing)、数学(Math)。
Each section is divided into 2 equal length modules, and there is a 10-minute break between the Reading and Writing section and the Math section. The first module of each section contains a broad mix of easy, medium, and hard questions. Based on how students perform on the first module, the second module of questions will either be more difficult or less difficult.
(每个部分被分成了两个相等长度的模块,阅读和语法(Reading and Writing)和数学(Math)之间有10分钟的休息时间。每个部分的第一个模块,问题难度不一。根据学生在第一模块的答题表现。第二模块的问题或许会变得难度较大或者较小。)