Creativity can be defined by some as the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. It is characterized by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate solutions. However, the practicality and usefulness of all things described as creative is certainly debatable in today’s world that is filled with an endless stream of newly created information. Do individuals need to be creative and is it important for living well? Should young people today be encouraged to learn creativity?
Perspective One:
Many newly created things today defy tradition and ignore history. The best ideas are often based on proven methods and theories.
Perspective Two:
People can live without creativity, but in order to thrive in the fast changing world, one needs to be creative.
Perspective Three:
Creativity has no standard or set definition. It makes more sense for us to focus on other qualities that are productive and accurately defined
一道是2016年6月北美考题:latest and greatest
P1重心在于 defy tradition & ignore history
P2重心在于 thrive in the fast-changing world
P3重心在于 other qualities
以正向立场为例:选择同意 按照231组架
难点:在于第三个观点的发展,需要抓住关键词—productive & accurately defined
P2的例子比较简单,可以去列举当今社会上所有通过科技创新而走上繁荣发展道路的个人或者团体的核心成员,比如Facebook创始人马克扎克伯格、摩拜单车创始人胡玮炜、还有大家比较青睐的Jack Ma爸爸等等,除此之外,就是我在课上所讲到的索尼公司通过技术创新,扭亏为盈,迅速占领市场份额,逐渐繁荣壮大。
However, without creativity, which helps us alter the old thinking patterns and break the suppression of old systems, how could we embrace a more progressive and civilized world? This also can be revealed from how heliocentric theory was established, which was put forward by Copernicus who was an astronomer several centuries ago. At first, people’s recognition concerning the position of earth in the universe was dominated by the “geocentric theory”, the theory Roman Catholic Church used to force the European world to believe. Nevertheless, Copernicus was the first person who stood out to deny the Catholic Church’s theory; in contrast, he provided persuasive evidence that the sun is the real center of the universe, which is the eminent heliocentric theory now. It is evident that if Copernicus had submitted to the geocentric theory, the truth would not have been discovered. Thus, creativity, which breaks the tradition and history, is still supposed to be prioritized.
这个在课上都已经讲过 但也是大家比较薄弱的论证环节,希望大家仔细揣摩和体会
另外一道题:Latest and Greatest这道题本质上考的也是创新,只不过侧重点在创新的影响,特别地提到了负向性影响。
同样,以正向立场为例:选择同意 按照132组架
P1重心在于 lives & society better
P2重心在于 dangerous mindset
P3重心在于 faster