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1.  It let me… 常被用来表达 “…使/让我能够…”
中式:Travelling let me have new experiences.
注:let 在这里并不准确,虽然let有许可/让的含义,但仅用于号召某人做他已经有计划去做的事情。比如:他终于让我们走了(我早就想走了)He finally let me go.
在我们解释一件事情对另一个事情的推动作用,用 It allows/enables/helps me to …更加准确。如:
Traveling abroad allows meto have new experiences.
Reading magazines allows people to have new insights.

2. It makes me relax  使我放

中式:It makes me improve my English. 使我提高英语
注:It makes me+形容词,使我…但使役动词 make后加动词时要小心,有时有强迫某人做某事的含义。  所以正确的几种说法是:
It makes me feel relaxed. (makes me feel relaxed 比起makes me relaxed 更地道)
It allows me to relax / unwind.
It helps / enables me to improve my English.

3.  I usually watch movies to relax myself.

注:Relax myself 会产生歧义,表达放松我们可以说:
I usually watch movies to relax.
I usually watch movies to unwind / let off steam/ destress.
Watching movies is a good way to put myself at ease.

4. On the one hand… on the other hand… 


这个表达,看似没有问题,递进关系,但实际上前后的观点应该是相反的,而不是递进的。所以表达递进观点,我们可以用Also,In addition,Furthermore 这样的表达。
On the one hand, I worked very hard at this internship. On the other hand, I have also gone to an excellent school.
On the one hand, ice cream is delicious. On the other hand, it is very fattening.
On the one hand, this is my dream school. On the other hand, it is very expensive and far from home.

5. It gives me a good mood 给我一个好心情!

It puts me in a good mood /in a good state of mind.
It soothes my mind.
It makes my day.

6. Doing sports can improve my physical ability. 


我们经常查完字典,自信满满的说出了physical ability,知道真相后泪流满面。
It can improve my health and willpower. (health已经准确地道了表达了身体素质这个含义)
It generally improves my overall quality of life and fitness level

7.  It adds joys to my life 它给我的生活增添乐趣


It adds spice to my life (表示丰富生活)

It always brightens/makes my day/week.    划重点:make one‘s day 让某人的一天开心

Listening to a variety of music spices up my life.  划重点:spice up 给…增添趣味

It breaks up the monotony/daily grind.  划重点:daily grind 日常琐事

8. Visual pleasure / auditory pleasure / taste enjoyment

…is pleasing to my ears/eyes.
…is visually pleasing / aesthetically pleasing.
It tastes amazing!

9. Arouse my echo 引起我的共鸣,但是无法引起考官的共鸣!

This TV program aroused people’s echoes.
His speech gave me some echoes.
It is a movie that allows people to reminisce.
It is a reminiscent movie.
I feel I have a strong connection with the plot / story in this movie.
I can relate with this movie’s themes/ plots / characters.
People feel highly connected to / can relate with this movie’s themes/ plots /characters.
I strongly agree with most of the ideas presented in his speech.
I couldn’t agree more with his ideas.
I find there are plenty of things that I can relate to in his speech.
His words deeply impressed the audience.

10.Improve my work/study efficiency 

提高学习效率 是不可以这么说的!

Making detailed plans allows me to work efficiently.
He is very efficient/ studious on the job.
They spend their time wisely.
They are very organized and proactive.

11. I’m so boring.  This class is so bored.

I’m so bored. I feel so bored.
This class is so boring.

12. Besides 另外

常用于两个递进的观点之间,广泛用于口语和写作之中。但是你一定不知道在母语者看来,besides 后面的观点往往是不重要的,不充分的理由。所以表达递进观点时,用 As well / In addition / Also 这样的连词更准确。
I know I shouldn’t have bought a new phone, but I really liked this one. Besides,it was 5% off. (5%的打折并不是买这个手机得决定性因素)
I worked at a great company that trained me well. As well / In addition / Also, I was the leader of a successful team. (后者:我是很强的领导者是重要的观点)

13. Have a try  试试?

这个是chinglish 的代表了,可以理解含义,但是感觉怪怪的。表达尝试我们可以用:give it a try / try my hand at it / try it/ give it a shot
Although painting is not right up my alley, I would like to give it a try / try my hand at it / try it/ give it a shot.

14. Have a rest

这是一个大家都说,但是不正确的表达。Rest 常用于时间较久/卧床的休息。
表达短暂的休息,我们可以说take a break / relax / unwind / have a breather / recharge my batteries.
On the weekend, I often stay at home to take a break / relax / unwind/have a breather/recharge my batteries
划重点:on the weekend (美式英语)/ at the weekend (英式英语)

15.  I must walk more.  我必须要多走路啦!

 不要再用must啦!在这里我们用 have to/should 表达主观意愿更合适。其实must在英语表达,尤其是口语中,语气太强,用的频率很少。
I should walk more to stay in good shape.
I have to finish my project tonight to meet the deadline.
People should/ ought to help the community to keep it in good condition/clean.

16.  on the opposite (side)of my home 在我家对面?

…is across the street from…
There is a convenience store just across the street from my home.
The convenience store is across the street.

17.  Delicious 

其实delicious 的使用频率在母语者中很低。
It tastes so good/ awesome / amazingly good!
This is tasty /yummy/ delectable / scrumptious / addictive.

18.  I’m so hot.

It’s very hot.
I feel so hot.
I’m melting / overheating / roasting / baking out here.

19. I think we can’t make this trip. 


根据语法惯例, think, suppose, believe, imagine, guess 等后的宾语从句如果是否定句,要把否定转移到主句的think等动词上,这叫做“否定前移”或“否定前置。
I don’t think we can make this trip

20. Chinese is my mother language. 中文是我的母语。

First language / mother tongue / native language.