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The correct answer is (E).The AGENDA is the program of things to be done or the schedule. Preparation of next year’s budget was the top item on the agenda for the meeting.








The correct answer is (A).CREDIBLE means plausible, reliable, or believable. The presence of many squirrels in my yard is a credible explanation for the many holes.








The correct answer is (B).PLACID means tranquil, calm, or peaceful. Lake Placid in New York is so placid that its waters are seldom stormy.








The correct answer is (C).To INTERVENE is to come between two people or things either to interfere or to influence positively. Intervene is  a verb .An intermediary(noun) may intervene in a dispute.








The correct answer is (E).MUNDANE means commonplace, earthly. or ordinary. Every morning I perform the mundane tasks of brushing my teeth and making my bed.








The correct answer is (E).To dehydrate is to remove water ,therefore DEHYDRATED means waterless. The root hydr-refers to water, and the prefix de-is a negative prefix . Dehydrated foods are lightweight and are easy to store for long periods of time.








The correct answer is (B).PREVALENT means widely existing, prevailing, or generally accepted. Preeminent means excelling. The prevalent mood among the Boy Scouts was one of eager anticipation.









The correct answer is (A).SUCCINCT means brief and to the point .The legislator gave a succinct background of the reasons for the proposed law.



(A)by night

(B)by day




The correct answer is (A).That which is NOCTURNAL happens at night. Bats do not fly about in the daytime because they are nocturnal creatures.








The correct answer is (B).EQUITABLE means fair and just. You should see the root equal in this word. The will provided for an equitable distribution of the property.
