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In evolutionary history, the development of language set humans apart from the rest of the animal kingdom.


A. The emergence of language distinguished early humans from other animals

B. Humans evolved as the most powerful species after they are developed language.

选项A是正确的,因为distinguish A from B 与set A from B 是同义转换,主谓宾都一致;单纯转述了语言把人类与动物区分开来这个事情;





套题61B 第3题

It can reasonably be inferred that from the second paragraph that the narrator’s mother responds as she does to stories of natural disasters and violence because she:

A. Wants to counter her image of a prudish, proper housewife

B. Embraces the extraordinary events of life

C. Is as horrified as her children are by these events

D. Is reminded of images from her dreams

首先理解题意,从第2段可推断出作者的母亲像作者那样去回应自然灾害是因为这位母亲?可以对应到原文首句 my mother’s attraction to the bizarre side of life 我母亲对生活中稀奇古怪的事情很感兴趣。跟本观点句一致的还有许多细节论述,如:she quivered with excitement in the same way her children did over newspaper accounts of trunk murders, foreign earthquakes…/ when commented on these subjects, she attempted a firm neutrality of tone but gave herself away in the heightened pitch of her voice… this was the voice she used to whisper shattering bits of gossip over the phone.

从attraction / excitement / heightened pitch of voice / whisper bits of gossip 这些词都可以看出是正向词,可以排除C,horrified是负向词;D也可以排除,因为原文没有dream这个信息;A是干扰项,原文表示prudish这部分的信息被转折掉了,说明她迂腐的表相下,是跟她的孩子一样对报纸报道的事情同样感到兴奋才是真正的观点性信息。B选项embrace the extraordinary events of life 是attraction to the bizarre side of life的同义转换。



Lines 75-78 suggests that the pleasure the narrator’s mother took in the raw materials that became meals resulted from her appreciation for:

F. her family’s eating habits

G. the precision and the whimsy produced by nature

H. traditional kitchen practices

J. the unalterable rules of culinary history


根据段落先总后分,先观点后论证的思路,我们可以看到本段主旨是第2句,我的母亲喜欢对称的东西,也喜欢大自然给她的厨房带来的变幻莫测(freaks and vagaries),此处直接理解为喜欢大自然带来的奇幻即可。此后的鱼骨,鸡肝,双黄蛋等信息都是细节,用于支持观点,可略读。由此,我们可以再对应选项,G 大自然所造就的精准与奇幻与原文symmetry/ freaks and vagaries that nature brought to her kitchen直接对应并同义转换,所以G是正确项。反观,F,原文没有体现饮食习惯,J,原文也没有体现烹饪历史,可以直接排除。H,traditional practices 传统的做法,原文没有体现传统还是现代这些信息,只是强调母亲从成为美食的原材料中获得快乐,全文没有体现traditional这一信息,所以属于错误项,排除。

